New - Voltz Vault Lipo Charge Sack

New - Voltz Vault Lipo Charge Sack

LiPo technology offers fantastic power advantages over other battery types. Now you can charge you LiPo's safely with these great charge sacks from Voltz.

We've all heard horror stories of LiPo batteries exploding when charged incorrectly. However, you can't ignore that LiPo technology has moved RC to a whole new level of fun and power. Just because a product CAN be dangerous if mis-handled don't think you can't enjoy the huge benefits of LiPo power, just remember to follow all charging instructions correctly and to use a LiPo charge sack. The Voltz Vault is intended to reduce and minimise the chances of damage in the event of a LiPo battery fire. Available in 3 different sizes and starting from under ?5.00, there's no excuse good enough where safety is involved. If you use LiPo batteries, you need a charge sack, nuff said! LiPo Battery Safety Tips We've listed 5 simple LiPo charging tips below.
  • Ensure that you follow all charging and maintenance instructions supplied with your battery.
  • Never charge a LiPo battery unattended
  • Always ensure you are charging the battery on a non-flammable surface
  • Make sure the flap is sealed during charging
  • Should a LiPo fire occur ensure you handle and dispose of the battery in a safe and correct manner.
